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What does it take to keep regular bodies on Paris runways? - LA Times

Fashion Model - LA Times Story

Three of my favorite things came together as I read Erin Zhurkin’s debut novel, “Plus-Size in Paris.”

By Robin Abcarian  LA TIMES

“There is just something so incredibly brave with what they do,” Zhurkin told me by phone on Monday about the plus-size fashion influencers, to whom she dedicates her novel. “They put themselves out there every day online to millions of people: This is who I am. This is my body, I am proud of it. And they are real — if they don’t love [how they look], they talk about that too.”

“All I knew was that I wanted to be able to walk into a clothing store in Paris and feel like I was seen with the body size I have,” Zhurkin said. “Not only was I not seen, it was quite the opposite.”

Read the full article on the LA Times